30 Characters Challenge 2012 – #2 Alcatraz

Alcatraz Pit Fighter

30 Characters Challenge 2012 – #2 Alcatraz

Character Back Story:
Like most fighters of the pit, nothing is known about Alcatraz’s past. What his real name is, where he was born, and who his family is. He ended up in the pit as most fighters do. At some point, he was abducted from his former life and injected into this dark underworld. The need is high for new recruits since fights often end with death. The life expectancy of a pit fighter is a little over a month. New recruits go through reconditions and rebuilding. First, their minds are erased, they become blank slates ready to be programmed to fight. To only care about fighting and winning. There are several managers (big bosses) that recruit, train, and house these fighters. Alcatraz fights for Boss Holiday.

Unlike most fighters in the pit who only dream of fighting and winning, Alcatraz dreams of escaping. To escape this violent world he knows he needs to survive the fights. This means he has to be smarter, tougher, stronger, and more lethal than his opponents. For him winning is living. Living for the next day, living to be free. He’s heard rumors that if you survive long enough, the “Boss” will take you out of the fights. Give you another job as one of his enforcers. Enforcing what, he doesn’t know. But he believes it has to be better than fighting every day to death.

When Alcatraz first started in the pits there was a top fighter named “Concrete Stain”, an undefeated fighter who had survived over a year. Then one day he was gone, not dead from a fight just gone. That’s when Alcatraz first heard the rumor. That elite fighters work for Boss Holiday on the outside, not just fighting for him in the pits. It might only be a dream but Alcatraz will keep surviving until he’s chosen until he’s free.

Behavior Traits:
Resourceful, Determined, Creative

Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Hand-to-hand fighting, Weapons (blunt objects, knives)

I mentioned Boss Holiday in Alcatraz’s back story. He’s a character I created for the first 30 Characters Challenge. A Rockabilly Crime lord who employs “Super-Villains”

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

Author: RSC Arts

A Journey through Art and Making Comics. A comic book nerd who enjoys creating art. This artist blog, RSC Arts is where he shares his creative process, insights, inspirations, and comics.

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