30 Characters Challenge 2013 – #5 Chelsea Webb, Underwater Explorer

Chelsea Webb by Ralph Contreras

30 Characters Challenge 2013 – #5 Chelsea Webb, Underwater Explorer

Character Back Story:
Chelsea Webb was always fascinated with oceanography. She grew up in the dry deserts of Arizona but always knew she wanted to study the seas. She joined a deep sea exploration fellowship in college. On their first outing, the boat sank and all were lost at sea. It would have been the end of Chelsea’s story if she hadn’t been rescued by a rag-tag group of underwater explorers, decedents of Captain Nemo’s crew from the late 1800s. This group calling themselves the Sea Warriors explores and charts the vast oceans fighting injustice where they find it.

As Chelsea heals from her near-death experience the crew members of the Sea Warriors tell her stories of their adventures. She decided that she want to join the group if they’ll have her. The Captain, Gabrielo puts her membership us to a vote to the crew. Not all the Sea Warriors trust her, but she does win membership. Chelsea has been trying to prove herself and her naysayers every chance she gets. She has excelled in deep water exploration.

Behavior Traits:
Adventurous, Outgoing, Opinionated, Determined

Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Map Reading, Oceanography, Deep Water Diving

With this character, I came up with a drawing first and created her back story from her look.

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

Author: RSC Arts

A Journey through Art and Making Comics. A comic book nerd who enjoys creating art. This artist blog, RSC Arts is where he shares his creative process, insights, inspirations, and comics.

2 thoughts on “30 Characters Challenge 2013 – #5 Chelsea Webb, Underwater Explorer”

  1. Your Chelsea Webb character has a similarly to my “Water Character”. Suit similarity, but yet still different. I see great minds think alike. My character is a “MAN”, no origin story, just an idea. I won’t mention his name for my artistic protection and my character’s. I like yours though, she looks very interesting. I wish I could attach a photo in this comment section.

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