30 Characters Challenge 2012 – #1 Dra’Zun, Guardian Droid

Dra’Zun, Guardian Droid

30 Characters Challenge 2012 – #1 Dra’Zun, Guardian Droid

Character Back Story:
A rouge asteroid hit and destroyed the planet Azari Prime, home of the Dra’Azari Royal Family. The Royal family and the planet’s inhabitants mounted a vast interstellar survival plan. Financed by the Royal family and all the resources of Azari, 20 ark space ships were created. The survivors would travel to Azari-3, a colony on the outskirts of their solar system. Azari-3 rich with natural resources would be their new home world. The Royal family created their own ship for the voyage, it was to carry their entire Dra’Azari Family. Guardian Droids were built and placed in all ark ships, also named GD-Units. Their primary functions and programming were to care for the needs of the ark passengers. These droids would maintain the ships, cook, clean, and educate. On the Royals ship, there were 8 GD-Units.

Ezbeet Dra’Book (Ezbeet equaling to a Duke in Earth terms) sees this migration as a great opportunity to rise higher in the family court. He reprograms the Guardian Droids on the Royal’s Ark to turn on the family and kill them all. In the middle of the mayhem, Dra’Book sabotages all the escape pods and uses the only functional one to escape. The GD-Units manage to slaughter almost everyone on the ship within hours. A few of the royalty manage to survive the attack in the children’s nursery, including Ezbeet Dra’Hexra. Dra’Hexra uses the ship’s computer to reset one of the Guardian Droids, GD-Unit 5.

As a result of the reset, GD-Unit 5 malfunctions merging both its origin programming with that of Dra’Book. It believes that it must educate and protect the Royal family by eliminating it. It quickly destroys the other Guardian Droids to protect the survivors. GD-Unit 5 then gathers the remaining Royalty including the children. GD-Unit 5 explains that it must protect the Dra’Azari Royal Family. It then attacks them, killing everyone except the 6 youngest. It has calculated that it must educate, train, and manipulate these six children to be the new leader of the Azari people.

In the chaos of the GD-Units attack, the Royalty’s ark ship was sent severely off course. Years pass by and the children become adults, they began calling the Guardian Droid, Dra’Zun. “Dra” for their family name and “Zun” means teacher. In the years that have passed Dra’Zun has taught his students to be ruthless, calculating, and unforgiving in all matters. It has also manipulated their genetic code to enhance their strength, durability, speed, and intelligence. Dra’Zun’s final lesson will be to have his students fight and kill each other until the strongest and most intelligent one survives. This “Winner” will be the rightful ruler of the Azari people. He or she will begin by conquering small worlds to build an army, then take back the kingdom. Dra’Zun plans to remain as this true ruler’s faithful servant.

Behavior Traits:
Patient, Calculating, Loyal, ruthless

Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Strength, Records of all Azari knowledge

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

Creative Writing – Alcatraz

Who is she? The woman glides in and out of sight. From the corner of his eyes, she’s gone when he turns. Mists in the light, neverending white. Every night it’s the same, never catching a clear view. Sometimes he remembers the raven hair, others the feline glitter of her hazel eyes. Tonight it was an innocent come-hither half smile. He felt like he could almost grasp her name, the sweet taste of it on his tongue. The closer she is ignites a feeling about who he was.

Alcatraz was taken away from the cool calming realm with the sounds of yelling. Two of his bunkmates were arguing over something. There were always echoes of fighting and arguments in the background. He didn’t know how long he’d been here in this nightmare underworld. Had it been weeks, months, years? He remembers the first day, his first memory. A towering overly muscular dark-skinned man slapped his face, it was a quick sharp stab “Your name’s Alcatraz! This is your life now. You fight, you live, you die. The longer you fight, the longer you live. Be ready, tonight you’re making your debut to the crowd!” He felt the sweaty smooth scalp of his head. He remembers thinking it felt too smooth, newly shaven, raw. This was before his head was covered with new scabs over old scars that gave it its now rocky texture. Since that day he’s been training and fighting. How many lives had he sniffed out in the pit? The faces of his victories blurred into shadows. Specters that created numbness in his mind. A deep hole of darkness in his soul. He was alive unlike his past opponents but trapped in waves of pain, blood, carnage, and death. It was only in his dreams that he felt free, remembering what life out of the pits might be like. She was his lifeline, the woman he visited in his safe harbor. Was she a loved one from his former life or maybe the final piece of his decomposed soul that had any hope of being redeemed? Before every fight, he sneaks away to the light. Reaching for the warmth only she could give.

“Alcatraz your up!” He slides off the blood-stained mattress of his squeaky bunk. Wraps his left forearm with the yellowed bandages he uses for simple armor. Lifts his helmet, a mismatched cage of rusted and dented lead pipes. Slips his head in it and places it on his weary shoulders. Grabs his signature battle chain with the muscle-ripping hook and mechanically walks toward the area’s inner doors. The vibrations of the spectator’s roar ripple through the floor up his body. Tonight he would fight again for the bosses, kill for them. His life was their plaything, but they would never completely have his soul. Every day she would free it in his dreams.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

Creative Writing – Susanna, part one

Creative Writing – Susanna, part one
The sweet burnt smell filled Anthony’s inner nostrils as the waiter passed behind him. “Hmm, fajitas, those smell good.” Tony as his friends called him was meeting an old friend this early autumn evening. It’s been 40 years since he even thought of Susanna. He was very surprised to receive her phone call the day before. They had never been sweethearts, at least that’s how he felt. Tony knew she had a major crush on him in high school. Sure they had gone on a few dates back then. Tony wasn’t a bad-looking guy back then, at least that’s what he thought. “No trouble with the lady’s.” Now he was rounding the final years of his fifties. After a lifetime of experiences, he was no longer that go-lucky youth Susanna had fallen for. After time in the army, three kids, and a failed marriage; he was now a very grumpy old man. Tony waited in a booth wearing his favorite blue cap. A proud veteran Tony’s cap sported a VA patch. He wears it to cover the bold spot he started getting in his early thirties. Susanna didn’t know he was bold now, at least he didn’t think so. “Would she still want to meet this old grumpy old man?”

Tony feared she wouldn’t recognize him or worst, she would see him and one step turn around walk out the door. “Forty years, it’s a lot of time, we’ve lived our lives……people change…….She’ll have changed too.” He wondered if he’d even recognize her. Susanna, with her curly strawberry blond hair. It use to always remind him of a summer sunset. Maybe she was already sitting in the restaurant, at a table, or at the bar. Deciding if she still wanted to meet. Why did she want to meet anyways? Tony realized he didn’t really know. Her call was short and quick, “Hi Tony, How have you been, Wow it’s been a long time, hope things have been well, can we meet at Blue Corn, Tomorrow at 7:00, See you there….” Did he even say a word to her? Those short statements were all he really remembered from the conversation. Did she say more? Did she say why she wanted to meet? Tony was so surprised by the call, it had all happened so fast, too fast. He looked through the half-open blinds out the window. It was getting darker. The nights had started rolling in sooner this week. “Shorter days and longer nights”, he always liked this time change during the Fall season. It was a breezy fall evening, much like the one he remembered seeing Susanna last. It had been homecoming, the night of the big game. The night of the famous and tragic accident. The accident changed everything that senior year in high school.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

The 30 Characters Challenge 2012 is Here!

The 30 Characters Challenge 2012 is Here!

It’s that time again, for the 30 Characters Challenge “Because the world still needs new characters”.
What’re the 30 Characters Challenge you may ask? Four years ago in 2009 comic creator Tyler James put out the challenge to all creative people to create 30 new characters in 30 days. I participated and accomplished the goal that very first year. The annual event held in November now has hundreds of participating artists and writers of all skill levels. The site has been updated and redesigned for this year’s challenge. (www.30characters.com).

As an alumnus of all the past 30 Characters Challenges, I’m very excited to participate again. The first year was the only time I actually finished, last year I was able to get up to 20. So this year I’m very determined to complete all 30. Each year the challenge helps to strengthen my drawing style. This year I plan to pencil, ink, and try coloring all my characters. I like to approach the characters and biography like Marvel’s “Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe.” When I think of Character Designs, I see my characters in that format. I loved reading about characters and their biographies this way when I was a kid. If I have time I might even add a few “Comic Panels” of the characters in action Like OHOTMU did.

Everyone is invited to “Join the Challenge“, the registration deadline is Tuesday, October 30th. And the characters will start going up on November 1st. Make sure to check it out!

Here’s a site Banner I created with one of my original characters from the challenge!

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #4 Lilith

Lilith Mother of Monsters

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #4 Lilith

Character Back Story:
Lilith is Adam’s first wife before Eve. She refuses to be Adam’s subordinate and states that she is his equal. When Lilith leaves the Garden of Eden and Adam the angels Sansenoy, Senoy and Semangelof are sent to bring her back. She refuses to go back to Adam so a bargain is made for her freedom. The price is the deaths of one hundred of her children every day. Lilith complies but gives birth to more than 100 a day. Through the many centuries, Lilith has slowly birthed an army of daughters and sons to take back the world she believes rightfully belongs to her. Their numbers rival the angels themselves. She has raised her children to hate and pity the “Children of Eve”. There is a war for Earth coming and Lilith plans to win it.

Behavior Traits:
Independent, Motivated, Headstrong, Manipulative, Driven, Cunning

Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Flight, Telepathy, Motivation, Limited Teleportation

Lilith is a character from my comic project “First Legacy”, this is a working title. She is taken from folklore and was mentioned in the character back story of a character named Aurora Light a few years ago. I used is a challenge to revisit the comic idea.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #3 Sansenoy

Sansenoy the Archangel

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #3 Sansenoy

Character Back Story:
Sansenoy along with his brothers Senoy and Semangelof are Archangels and guardians of humanity. When Lilith leaves the Garden of Eden and Adam they are sent to bring her back. A bargain is made for her freedom, the price is the deaths of one hundred of her children every day. Lilith complies but gives birth to more than 100 a day. Sansenoy keeps a watchful eye on Lilith and her surviving children. On many occasions, he even fights them in battle. Sansenoy eventually meets and falls in love with Lilith’s greatest warrior daughter, Sylvia Light.  Sansenoy and Sylvia began a secret romantic relationship. He shows Sylvia the great potential and wonders that the “Children of Eve” can achieve.

Behavior Traits:
Compassionate, Supportive, Stern, Romantic

Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Flight, Super-Strength, Empathy

Sansenoy is a character from my comic project “First Legacy”, this is a working title. He is taken from folklore and was mentioned in the character back story of a character named Aurora Light a few years ago.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

Creative Writing – Eye

Creative Writing – Eye
An electric spectrum of color, this is how Danny saw the world now. It had been days now since the new bionic eye was installed. Not both eyes, just the left one. Maybe in the next few months, he could afford one for his right. This was Danny’s first cyber implant, he waited until he could buy a legit one. His cousin Kyle bought one from a friend of a friend. The eye malfunctioned within hours, it shorted out and burned his face and inner brain. Now Kyle was a disfigured idiot. A drooling fool that laughed at everything.

No Danny’s new eye was top of the line, with features like multi-spectrum viewing, Infrared, heat, night vision; all the bells and whistles. He could still see optical if he choose to, but now he had 25x zoom ability. An extra option he had added was a built-in recorder. Everything he saw was now sent straight to his cloud storage, as long as he was near a wi-fi hot spot This whole city was a wi-fi hot spot. Danny was still getting used to the new sights. He’d tried all his viewing options at least once, but it was the Electric spectrum of color he enjoyed the most. VISION SETTING FOUR: COLOR SPECTRUM, the official setting name. He preferred calling it his electronic spectrum vision.

It seemed to him like everyone was getting bionics. An upgraded sight like himself, digitized enhanced hearing, hydraulic strength, and enhanced agility. The demand was high for quality parts, and buying second-rate upgrades was easier to find and cheaper. Like Kyle’s generic low-grade life-ruining eye. After that Danny knew he’d only settle for the best, the price didn’t matter. Tomorrow he’d start setting money aside to get the other eye. In his secret hiding place. The one under his data entry post next to the food processor.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #2 Isaac, Son of Lilith

Isaac, Son of Lilith

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #2 Isaac, Son of Lilith

Character Back Story:
Isaac is one of Lilith’s warrior children. Raised from birth to despise the “Children of Eve”, this son of Lilith sees no redeeming qualities in humanity. He is one of the most savage fighters of her sons, there is no one he fears. He’s fought against both angels and demons, very rarely finding any equals.

Behavior Traits:
Patience, Brutal, Calculating, Loyal

Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Heighten Senses, Night Vision, Super-Strength, Weapons Master, Hand-to-Hand Combat

Isaac is a character from the comic “First Legacy”, this is a working title. I wanted to make him a huge frighting warrior. Not too bulky, but still menacing looking.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #1 Rachel, Daughter of Lilith

Rachel, Daughter of Lilith

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #1 Rachel, Daughter of Lilith

Character Back Story:
Rachel is a warrior daughter of Lilith. Lilith was Adam’s first wife before Eve, refused to be his subordinate, and left him. Through the many centuries, Lilith has slowly created an army of daughters and sons to take back the world. One of the strongest of these daughters is Rachel. She was raised from childhood to hate and pity the “Children of Eve”. One of her mother’s most loyal warriors. Rachel has fought many campaigns against both angels and demons. Rachel is a cunning warrior and field general in Lilith’s army. She is always ready to fight in defense of her sisters, brothers, and mother’s beliefs.

Behavior Traits:
Short Tempered, Headstrong, Driven, Impatient, Loyal

Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Flight, Super-Strength, Swords Master, Hand to Hand Combat, Expert Combat Tactician

Rachel originates from a character creation I did a few years ago. I mentioned her in the character back story of a character named Aurora Light. I’ve always wanted to go back to that story, this gave me a chance to redefine the characters and the story. The working title for this comic is “First Legacy“.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

Creative Writing – The Package, Part One

Creative Writing – The Package, Part One
After weeks of waiting Tom’s package had arrived. “It’s finally here!” The thought kept repeating itself in his head. Laura, his wife had picked it up in the morning at the post office. It needed a delivery confirmation signature. Tom anxiously waited all day at work until he could speed home to open it. She told him it was left on the dining room table for him. When he got home, he was so ecstatic he dropped the keys twice when opening the front door. Like a kid on Christmas morning, he was giddy to rip open the package and find the treasure within.

Tom ran to the dining room leaving the front door open. The sounds of his neighbors coming home from their long days at work are in the background. There it was, displayed in the middle of the table. Perfectly centered on top of the white linen table cloth Laura’s mother gave them on their tenth wedding anniversary. A family heirloom passed down for a few generations. Tom’s hands reach for his prize, the package. But he stops with fingertips only inches away from touching it. Frozen he sees a dark red splash on the front, where the label reads his mailing address. The zip code is barely legible underneath the red. “What’s that?” Tom leans in closer, not altering his frozen stance much. “I think that’s blood.”

He backs away from the package slowly, as if it were a wild animal or a bomb ready to explode and take half the house with it. He slowly lurks around the perfectly centered box. On the back, the side opposite to the opening of the dining room where he entered. Tom is horrified to see his package half stained in dark red. It looks like someone dipped it in a barrel of blood or it’s Hemorrhaging from some unseen fatal wound. The dark red was now seeping into the white linen tablecloth. Tom now notices the slow sound of heavy drops echoing in the background. He imagines a thick puddle of dark red building up on the professionally cleaned carpet underneath the dining room table. An uncontrollable shiver of ice rolls up his spine. He feels a numbness that begins at his heart that slowly spreads to his toes and fingertips.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

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