Bloodshot Drawing I did in 1993

Bloodshot ink drawing by Ralph Contreras

Bloodshot Drawing I did in 1993

I started reading Valiant Comics in the middle of Unity and I was hooked. The stories were so different from what I had been reading, mostly Marvel. I was sorry to see the company stop publishing when it did. My favorite characters were X-0 Manowar, Rai, and Bloodshot. Yesterday CDR announced that Valiant was coming back to the comic scene and would start creating comics again in 2012. Valiant has a great promo ad that is very reminiscent of Rai #0 showing a silhouette of Bloodshot in front of a huge red dot holding a gun and katana sword.

Looking at the new promo I remembered that I had created an inked piece of Bloodshot back in 1993. I had intended to send it to Wizard Magazine. At that time Wizard had a section where it would publish fan art. I don’t remember why I didn’t send it in, but I think it’s time to showcase some of this older art. I know I worked really hard on this one, I think it took me a few days. It was drawn before I took any art classes in college, so my style is very raw and ’90s comic style influenced………..lots of random hatching, lol.

I think in the next few days I’ll do a new Bloodshot drawing in anticipation of the new comic series next year.
– Shazam!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

Author: RSC Arts

A Journey through Art and Making Comics. A comic book nerd who enjoys creating art. This artist blog, RSC Arts is where he shares his creative process, insights, inspirations, and comics.

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