Captain Marvel Commission by Dale Deforest

Shazam, Captain Marvel by Dale Deforest.

Shazam, Captain Marvel Commission by Dale Deforest

When I moved to Santa Fe I discovered there were a bunch of great comic artists living in the city. One of these artists is Dale Deforest. Dale’s a really cool dude. I first met him at 24-hour comic a few years ago. I’ve kept in contact with him since then. I really like Dale’s approach to his comic book art. So when he was offering commission work I jumped on it. I asked him to do a drawing of Captain Marvel, my favorite comic book character. He did this super cool fully inked piece. Thanks, dude!

If you’d like to see more of Dale’s work check out his website.

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

Author: RSC Arts

A Journey through Art and Making Comics. A comic book nerd who enjoys creating art. This artist blog, RSC Arts is where he shares his creative process, insights, inspirations, and comics.

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