Drawlloween 2015 is Here!


Drawlloween 2015 is Here!

Ok. It looks like I’m Mr. drawing challenge this month. I’ll also be participating in Drawlloween.

I first heard of this challenge this morning and thought why not. I do love a good drawing challenge event. So I looked everywhere online for an official list. Guess what, there isn’t an official Drawlloween list.

But I did find the one most of my online artist friends are using, and it’s created by one of the originators of Drawlloween Kevin Luong.

So this is the list I’ll be using, but all my drawings will be comic book-based…. of course, because I’m a comic nerd. I’ll post my comic-themed Drawlloween drawing here, on my Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It’s going to be a double fun month!

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