Live Long and Pattern: Inking Spock with a Splash of Color

Spock Blue Pattern Uniform India Ink Illustration by Ralph Contreras

Bringing Leonard Nimoy Spock to Life with Pattern Color Ink

Ok for the prompt of pattern I really just wanted to let loose and do the ink illustration different. I decided to use color ink. This might actually be the first time I’ve ever used any color ink other than black for an ink drawing. For pattern I did the pattern that can be found in the reboot Kelvinverse Star Trek uniforms. When I think Star Trek I think of Spock.

I really tried to capture the likeness of Leonard Nimoy in this illustration. Although I did put him in the uniform from the reboot Star Trek film franchise. The fun thing about the new uniforms is the subtle repeated pattern of the Star Fleet insignia. I used blue ink to show the repeating pattern. I did get a little sloppy, I think I was a little impatient with the pattern. I still had fun illustrating it though. 

For the star fleet badge I used yellow ink. I feel it really helps to pop it out from the pattern. Even though the pattern is based of the badge shape. The rest of the illustration was done with black India ink. For this ink drawing I did draw a pencil sketch first, then inked over the sketch what a Hunt 102 nib. The 102 nib is my preferred method of inking.

I had a good time with this pattern inked illustration, it was fun to draw a Star Trek character too. I usually draw Star Wars characters for prompted challenges. But in truth I’m probably just as much a Star Trek nerd/fan as I am for Star Wars. Live Long and Prosper.

Author: RSC Arts

A Journey through Art and Making Comics. A comic book nerd who enjoys creating art. This artist blog, RSC Arts is where he shares his creative process, insights, inspirations, and comics.

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