Spooky Cartoony Fun: My Inktober Vampire

Cartoony Vampire Ink Drawing
Cartoony Vampire Ink Drawing by Ralph Contreras

Inktober Fang-tastic: My Cartoony Vampire Drawing

In 2015, I participated in Inktober and decided to draw a cartoony vampire for one of the prompts. I wanted to challenge myself to draw in a style that I don’t usually use, which is inspired by anime and manga with big eyes.

To create the ink illustration, I used a combination of Pentel Brush, Micron pens, and Sharpie pen. I tried to give the vampire some movement by drawing his flowing cape. To make him stand out, I added a black background. One of the rules of Inktober is to draw only with ink and no pencil sketching. I enjoyed the process of creating something spontaneously.

Overall, it was a fun time drawing this spooky cartoony vampire for Inktober. It allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone and experiment with new techniques.

Author: RSC Arts

A Journey through Art and Making Comics. A comic book nerd who enjoys creating art. This artist blog, RSC Arts is where he shares his creative process, insights, inspirations, and comics.

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