Inktober 2014, Day 3 – Sylvia Light

Sylvia Light by Ralph Contreras

Inktober 2014, Day 3 – Sylvia Light

Day 3 of the Inktober challenge. I inked a redesign of my main character from First Legacy, Sylvia Light (aka Aurora Light). This is a redesign of her basic look. I’ve changed her from a long-haired blond to a short-haired, darker-skinned character. I’ve had her redesign in mine for a while, this is my first attempt to place it on paper. I used a 102 nib pen and a #3 sable brush for this inking.

Inktober 2014, Day 2 – Afro Lady

Afro Lady by Ralph Contreras

Inktober 2014, Day 2 – Afro Lady

Second day of the Inktober challenge. This time I wanted to do something a little different. A lady with a huge Afro. I placed a black shadow background to add some dimension. For this quick inking I used a 102 nib pen and a #3 sable brush. The inking tools I enjoy using the most. I feel I have more control with them. I’ll be branching out in future attempts.

Black Adam Inking

Black Adam ink drawing by Ralph Contreras

Black Adam Inking

I’ve been listing to the DC 52, a Graphic Audio Book for the past few weeks (when I’m on the bus or during my lunch). One of the main characters is Black Adam. I’ve really enjoyed the adventures with the Black Marvel Family. So I was inspired to pencil and ink this drawing of Black Adam.

For the pencils, I used a .05 HB mechanical pencil. (which can be seen in a previous blog post: Black Adam Pencils ). For this inking, I used a 102 nib pen and a #3 sable brush with black India ink. My standard inking tools. I have fun with this one. In the next few days, I plan on coloring it next. SHAZAM!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

Penelope Chamber – Characters Inks

Penelope Chamber ink drawing by Ralph Contreras

Penelope Chamber – Characters Inks

A few months ago I participated in the second annual 30 Characters Challenge. We create 30 Characters in 30 days. It’s a very fun challenge. I had planned on penciling and inking all my character designs. As the months went by I only inked 3 designs. So I’ve decided to go back periodically to these character designs and ink them.

Here’s Penelope Chamber Characters Inks!
I used a 102 nib pen with black india ink. I’ve been enjoying inking with nib pens. I still need a lot of practice inking, but I feel like the nib pen is right for me. So far I don’t have much of a history for this character. Just that she’s some sort of adventurer. – Shazam

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

Renegade! Part Two – The Inks

Renegade inks by Ralph Contreras

Renegade! Part Two – The Inks

I started creating this piece for a silent auction being held at the Bubonicon Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention. Here are the finished inks. I decided not to enter it but continued to finish it. The original drawing was on a 24″x19″ 2 ply Bristol board paper. The next step was inking it. I’ve seen a lot of great comic artists use a grey wash in their inkings, so I wanted to try that. I also added some movement lines in the background of the main panel. I used a 102-nib pen and a brush to ink it. In the past I’ve focused on digital inking, but lately, I’ve been enjoying inking by hand. Once I finished inking this piece titled: Renegade. I framed it and hung it on my wall. I’m proud that this piece and I had a lot of fun working on it.

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

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