Creative Community: Participating in the Six Fanarts Challenge

Fan Art Frenzy: Diving into the Six Fanarts Challenge

I’m a little late to the Six Fanarts Challenge. What’s the Six Fanarts challenge you might ask? Well, it’s an art challenge put out by Visual Artist Melissa Capriglione on her Twitter account. The challenge is for artists to ask their followers/fans/friends for six characters to draw.

The artist then draws the six characters in a template of portrait boxes that Melissa Capriglione created and shared on Twitter. The fan art is done in the artist’s style. I do love a fun art challenge, so you know I have to participate too. I learned about the Six Fanarts challenge from other artists posting their work on Instagram.

I asked my followers on Instagram who I should draw, and these are the characters they suggested.

  • Alucard
  • Anne Shirley Cuthbert
  • Aelita Schaeffer
  • Batman (Michael Keaton)
  • Gekko Kamen
  • Kratos

Thanks to everyone who suggested these characters. I had fun drawing them.

Creating Cool New Characters for The REPLICANTS Project

I’ve been participating in a fun collaboration with some great comic artists in The REPLICANTS Project.

What we are doing is creating our own characters based on existing characters. Similar to how Marvel Comics Squadron Supreme was based on DC Comics Justice League, and how the Watchmen characters were based on the Charlton characters. We’ve mashed up half the 70s X-men and half the Justice League into a Heroes and Villains team.

Creating Cool New Characters for The REPLICANTS Project

The idea came from Dean Rivet who set up a blog on Posterous. The blog’s name is The REPLICANTS Project. We create the character inspired by that week’s chosen character. We design original costumes, character names, and back story. We then email the post to a Posterous email and PazoOoW it appears on the blog.

The Heroes

Wonder Woman, Thunderbird, Sunfire, Storm, Nightcrawler, Green Lantern, Flash, Batman

The Villains

Wolverine, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, Cyclops, Colossus, Banshee, Atom

I’ll be posting the process I’m using to create my characters; from pencil drawing and inking to the final coloring in upcoming blog posts. Here’s a list of the characters that we are using as inspirations for The REPLICANTS Project.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge – Dee Dee Twins (Batman Beyond)

Dee Dee Twins pencil drawing

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge – Dee Dee Twins (Batman Beyond)

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge! Here’s the 5th quick 30-minute daily sketch. This drawing was done on Monday, October 12th of the Dee Dee Twins from DC’s Batman Beyond! I took a little longer than the allowed 30 minutes. Probably about 45, but there are two characters.

So for this drawing, I decided to do the Dee Dee twins. They are fun and full of energy. so I drew them jumping toward us. I used my H2 drafting pencil and started with light lines, then added more defined lines. The drawing came out a little stiff again. It might be the way I approach drawing females. This exercise has defiantly shown me that I do approach my drawing in different ways. I’ve decided that I’m going to practice a very quick gesture drawing every day of the female form. Like the beginning warm-up, I did in figure drawing class back in college.

The Dee Dee Twins haven’t been in any comic books, they have appeared in the Batman Beyond – Return of the Joker DVD and a two-part story in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon. Turns out they are actually Harley Quinn’s future granddaughters.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

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