Black Adam Inking

Black Adam ink drawing by Ralph Contreras

Black Adam Inking

I’ve been listing to the DC 52, a Graphic Audio Book for the past few weeks (when I’m on the bus or during my lunch). One of the main characters is Black Adam. I’ve really enjoyed the adventures with the Black Marvel Family. So I was inspired to pencil and ink this drawing of Black Adam.

For the pencils, I used a .05 HB mechanical pencil. (which can be seen in a previous blog post: Black Adam Pencils ). For this inking, I used a 102 nib pen and a #3 sable brush with black India ink. My standard inking tools. I have fun with this one. In the next few days, I plan on coloring it next. SHAZAM!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

Black Adam Pencils

Black Adam drawing by Ralph Contreras

Black Adam Pencils

For the past few weeks, I’ve been listing to DC 52, Graphic Audio Book. One of the main characters is Black Adam. I’m a huge fan of the Marvel Family (Captain Marvel and his supporting cast.) and I’ve really enjoyed the adventure with the Black Marvel Family.

I was inspired to pencil this drawing of Black Adam. I used a .05 HB mechanical pencil, it took me about an hour. I had fun with these pencils. I’ll be posting my inks in the next few days. – Shazam!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

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