Artistic Challenge: Captain Marvel in Color

Trying Something New: Colored Pencils

I’m currently working on my Brie Larson Captain Marvel illustration. I wanted to share some of my work in progress (WIP). In a previous blog post, I showed the pencil drawing. I’m using Prisma color in colored pencils and overlaying colors over each other to achieve a smooth, blended look. It’s been a bit of a learning curve for me since I’m not used to using colored pencils for my artwork. I’m having a lot of fun experimenting with different techniques and seeing how the colors interact with each other.

Normally, I tend to stick with pencil drawings or black ink for my artwork, but I’m enjoying the challenge of working with something new. It’s a great way to expand my skills and try out new things. I can’t wait to see how the final illustration turns out!

Drawing Captain Marvel: My Marvelous Sketch

I recently started a pencil drawing sketch of Captain Marvel, inspired by Brie Larson’s portrayal of Carol Danvers in the MCU…

Captain Marvel drawing by Ralph Contreras

From Screen to Page: My Captain Marvel Sketch

I recently started a pencil drawing sketch of Captain Marvel, inspired by Brie Larson’s portrayal of Carol Danvers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). I really enjoyed the movie and don’t understand why it gets so much criticism. In my opinion, it was a fun 90’s inspired superhero film.

My current project is a pencil sketch that I plan to eventually color using Prisma color pencils. Although I have done some face color pencil sketches before, I want to complete an entire figure illustration this time. I’ve included a picture of the whole figure here, but I apologize that it’s a little light and out of focus. I’m not the best photographer, but I wanted to show what I’m working on.

Captain Marvel drawing by Ralph Contreras
Captain Marvel drawing by Ralph Contreras

In the close-up picture of the face, I feel you can see how I’ve improved in drawing the female face. Having developed a stronger style of drawing faces from my practice sketches, which can be found in some earlier blog posts. I did use some photo references from promo images of the movie.

I’m quite happy with the progress of this illustration, but I know it’s only the first step in my process. For this sketch, I used a .05 Pentel mechanical pencil, which helped me achieve fine details in the drawing.

I’m excited about this new illustration project and can’t wait to see how it turns out. I plan to continue practicing and improving my drawing skills, especially with coloring and shading. As always, I welcome any feedback and suggestions from my fellow artist friends and blog readers.

Captain Marvel Sketch Card by Chris Foreman

Captain Marvel by Chris Foreman

Here is the super cool sketch card of Captain Marvel by Chris Foreman. When I was down at EPCON 2010 my girlfriend bought me this commission sketch card. Foreman created it on the spot.

It was really awesome to see him create this piece. He started with a quick sketch, then inked it, then colored it, added some shadows and highlights, then inked it again. I was totally blown away!

Thanks to my super cool girlfriend for this super awesome gift.


(Check out my blog post El Paso Comic Con 2010 to see a photo of Foreman creating the sketch card!)

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

Captain Marvel illustration by artist Jon Hughes

Captain Marvel by Jon Hughes

Captain Marvel illustration by artist Jon Hughes

Check out this illustration of Captain Marvel I got at EPCON 2010 by comic book artist Jon Hughes. This fantastic piece is full color, marker, and ink on an 11″x14″ Bristol board. -SHAZAM!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

El Paso Comic Con 2010

El Paso Comic Con

September 11th, I made a trip down to El Paso TX to attend the 1st annual El Paso Comic Con, EPCON 2010. El Paso is located about 40 miles from my hometown of Las Cruces. So it was a great reason to visit home as well. The EPCON was organized by Broken Tree Comics, a local independent comic book publisher in El Paso. The guest of honor was comic book artist Joe Benitez. Other artists/comic companies included Adversary Comix, 656 Comics, and Phi3 Comics. What was cool about these guys is they are all independent comic companies based out of  El Paso.

This con was very different from others I’ve been to. Every booth was either an independent comic company or a comic book artist.  It was like an artist’s alley con. I meet a lot of great artists promoting their projects. Like 7000bc, Jon Hughes, Sketch Card artist Chris Foreman and Ben Jones (an amazingly talented guy working on his own comic about Asgard)

There were a lot of people in fun Cosplay at the con too. It had a contest, and several local cosplay groups represented. I got to take a few pictures with some of them including Loki, Valkyrie, and Even Darth Vader.

The highlight of the weekend for me was watching Chris Foreman create an awesome full-color sketch card of Captain Marvel for me right in front of my eyes. (The dude’s very talented). The con was a huge success for the organizers, artists, and attendees. Plans for EPCON 2011 are already in the works and I’ll make sure to make the trip down again.
– Shazam!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

Captain Marvel Commission by Dale Deforest

Shazam, Captain Marvel by Dale Deforest.

Shazam, Captain Marvel Commission by Dale Deforest

When I moved to Santa Fe I discovered there were a bunch of great comic artists living in the city. One of these artists is Dale Deforest. Dale’s a really cool dude. I first met him at 24-hour comic a few years ago. I’ve kept in contact with him since then. I really like Dale’s approach to his comic book art. So when he was offering commission work I jumped on it. I asked him to do a drawing of Captain Marvel, my favorite comic book character. He did this super cool fully inked piece. Thanks, dude!

If you’d like to see more of Dale’s work check out his website.

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

Twitter Contest – Original Captain Marvel Drawing – By Comic Book Artist Eric Merced

Captain Marvel drawing by Eric Merced

Original Captain Marvel Drawing By Comic Book Artist Eric Merced

I’ve been very active on Twitter for the past few months. I’ve actually maxed out the number of people I can follow (which is 2001).  I would say that about 80% of the people I follow are comic book artists, writers, and fellow fans. Well, a few weeks ago I  saw a contest for an original drawing from comic book artist Eric Merced through his Twitter account @eric_merced. “1st and 5th to tweet a character for me to draw on live stream…” I tweeted my favorite character Captain Marvel and was the 1st to enter and win the contest!

The cool thing about the live stream was I got to see him draw it live. Eric Merced talked about why he liked the character of Captain Marvel while he sketched him out. It was really interesting to see the process he used when going from sketching to drawing and finally to inking. He also had a question/answer session with other people watching via a chat widget. The original drawing is 7″ x 5″ and he gave it to me, which was very awesome of him!

As a fun added pulse the mailer that the drawing came in had a cool drawing of Captain Marvel too. Thanks, Eric Merced for an awesome original drawing! Shazam!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

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