Comic Page Inking! Deadpool vs Hitman Monkey

Deadpool, Hitman Monkey & Spider-Man ink drawing by Ralph Contreras

Comic Page Inks – Deadpool vs Hitman Monkey

Here’s my latest full-page inking, Deadpool vs Hitman Monkey. It comes from Deadpool 20 page 22 by comic book artist Carlo Barberi. I’ve been inking pencils of professional comic artists to strengthen my inking skills. I found the original pencils on Barberi Deviant Art page. It’s a fun action shot with Deadpool getting shot up by Hit Monkey while Spider-Man watches. Looking at this inking and the past ones, I see where my strengths and my weaknesses are. You can see I need to work on my hatching and action lines. I’m ready to keep this in mind in my future inkings. Shazam!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

Comic Page Inking! The Dark X-Men

Dark X-Men ink drawing by Ralph Contreras

Comic Page Inking – The Dark X-Men

Here’s another comic page inked by me. It’s from the cover of Uncanny X-Men #514, originally drawn by super-talented comic book artist Terry Dodson. I found the high-resolution pencils on his DeviantArt page. It features the Dark X-Men, Namor, Emma Frost, Dark Wolverine (Daken), Cloak, and Dagger fighting robots!

Dodson’s original pencils were drawn on a 13″x19″ 2 Ply Strathmore Bristol Board with Light Blue and HB Lead. From the high-resolution image found on his DeviantArt page, I took the pencils and turned them into very light blue lines, and printed them on a sheet 11″x17″ Bristol Board. I inked it with a nib 102 pen and a  size 4 sable brush. I had fun inking these pencils. I’m still at the beginning stages of sharpening my inking skill, but I feel this piece came out well. – Shazam!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

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