The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge – Dee Dee Twins (Batman Beyond)

Dee Dee Twins pencil drawing

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge – Dee Dee Twins (Batman Beyond)

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge! Here’s the 5th quick 30-minute daily sketch. This drawing was done on Monday, October 12th of the Dee Dee Twins from DC’s Batman Beyond! I took a little longer than the allowed 30 minutes. Probably about 45, but there are two characters.

So for this drawing, I decided to do the Dee Dee twins. They are fun and full of energy. so I drew them jumping toward us. I used my H2 drafting pencil and started with light lines, then added more defined lines. The drawing came out a little stiff again. It might be the way I approach drawing females. This exercise has defiantly shown me that I do approach my drawing in different ways. I’ve decided that I’m going to practice a very quick gesture drawing every day of the female form. Like the beginning warm-up, I did in figure drawing class back in college.

The Dee Dee Twins haven’t been in any comic books, they have appeared in the Batman Beyond – Return of the Joker DVD and a two-part story in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon. Turns out they are actually Harley Quinn’s future granddaughters.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge – Modok

M.O.D.O.K drawing

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge – Modok

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge! Here’s the 4th quick 30-minute daily sketch. This drawing was done on Friday, October 9th of Modok (Mobile Organism Designed Only for Killing) from Marvel Comics. I took one day off the challenge, but came back with a really fun sketch!

The last sketch I did of the Enchantress didn’t come out as well as I’d hoped, she came out a little too stiff. So for this one, I decided not to get to stressed and just had fun with it. This was actually the sketch I’d been looking forward to drawing the most. I worked with an H2 drafting pencil and a simple eraser. Started off with very loose lines and added details along the way. To be honest, this drawing took a little longer than 30 minutes, it took me about 45. But I think that’s ok. My goal with this exercise is to help in speeding my drawing but also to loosen up.

When I started reading comics it was Marvel comics. So I totally knew and have read comics with Modok. Modok’s just a supergiant head on a hover chair, that’s fun and cool. I didn’t realize there was such a fanbase for the character. I found numerous websites dedicated to him and Marvel Comics even has an official Modok blog. When Marvel created a new Super-Villain Team-Up limited series, Modok was the main character. I had lots of fun with this drawing and I think it shows.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge – Enchantress (Marvel)

The Enchantress drawing

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge – Enchantress (Marvel)

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge! Here’s the 3rd quick 30-minute daily sketch. This drawing was done on Wednesday, October 7th of Amora The Enchantress from Marvel Comics.

This sketch was very challenging for me. It took me a little longer than my allowed 30 minutes, about 45. I started with a real rough sketch using an H2 drafting pencil. I was trying to give her a soft look, but I think she actually looks a little stiff. This is why I’m doing this daily exercise. To help me get a loose and softer drawing style. I find that there is stiffness in my illustrations sometimes when I work on them too much.

The enchantress was one of the first female characters I read in comics. The second comic I ever read was Marvel Super Heroes: Secret Wars, but it was the 1st series I actively read. I remember hitting all the gas stations looking for the latest issue. So it was fun drawing a character I’ve been familiar with most of my comic reading and drawing life.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge – The Maxx

The Maxx pencil drawing

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge – The Maxx

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge! Here’s the 2nd quick 30-minute daily sketch. This drawing was done on Tuesday, October 6th. The Maxx by Sam Kieth was suggested by my friend CP via his Twitter account.

This was a fun character to draw. I knew I wanted to make him big and exaggerated. That’s the way I remembered him. Never drawing the Maxx before I was very excited to have fun with this. I was able to get the sketch done in 35 minutes. I used an H2 drafting pencil. I think I had better control of it than the HB I used for the last quick sketch.

I remember when I had my comic book store, The Maxx Comic was always a very popular character. I literally could not keep the comics in stock. This was years after its publication too. I think it was so popular because of Maxx, MTV Cartoon. Which was great because it brought the character and comics to a more mainstream audience.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge – Manhunter IV (Marc Shaw)

Manhunter IV pencil drawing

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge – Manhunter IV (Marc Shaw)

Last night I drew the 1st in a series of quick 30-minute daily sketches. I’m calling them The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge. After asking for suggestions on Twitter and DeviantArt the first drawing is The Manhunter IV (Marc Shaw).

I had fun with this drawing. I’ve never really read any comic with this Manhunter, but the costume design is very cool. I actually took a little longer than 30 minutes, I think I took about 45. I used an HB drafting pencil, Only sharpening it once. With this drawing, I tried to be quick, but not lose detail. I also tried to use shadow and reflection of light. Thanks to @BlaqueSaber on Twitter for the great suggestion!

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge

I’ve decided to give myself daily exercise to help in my drawing skills. I call it The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge. This next week I will be doing a quick drawing for only 30 minutes. These drawings will be of random comic book characters. Not only will I get to draw some different characters, but it will help in sharpening my drawing skills.

1. Monday: Manhunter IV (Marc Shaw)
2. Tuesday: The Maxx
3. Wednesday: Enchantress (Marvel)
4. Thursday: Modok
5. Friday: Dee-Dee twins (Batman Beyond)

The Daily Comic Sketch Challenge

Last week I asked for suggestions through my Twitter and DeviantArt accounts on who I should draw. I received a lot of great ideas. Here is a list of which characters I will be drawing this 1st week.

I’ll be posting a new Daily Comic Sketch every day. If you have any suggestions on who I should draw next, please let me know.

This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.

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