From Mind to Paper: Capturing Ideas with Rough Sketches

Rough Character Sketches by Ralph Contreras

Creative Chaos: Unleashing Ideas with Sketches and Loose Lines

Here’s a page from my sketchbook. I just drew whatever came to mind last night. Nothing to defined, just loosening up. Had fun getting a lot of ideas down as rough sketches. Characters like a flaming skull guy, a dark knight, and a day of the dead lady.

Survival of the Dead Special Showing


Survival of the Dead Special Showing

I’ve been a huge fan of zombie movies, have been since I was a kid. It’s cool to see so many new zombie fans in the past few years. When I first saw George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead back in the day, I was blown away. He created the modern-day incarnation of what a zombie is. More importantly, he uses these zombie outbreaks to explore the human condition. Something lacking from a lot of modern-day zombie movies.

I was very excited to hear he was working on a new zombie flick (6th), “SURVIVAL OF THE DEAD”. Unfortunately, it didn’t get a mass theater release. I was content with the knowledge I would see it, but probably not until it hit video (DVD). But on a random trip to Albuquerque, while hitting up the comic shop Astor Zombie, I can across a flyer for a 2-night special show of the movie. Yes, I would get the opportunity to see it on the big screen!


The showing was at the Guild Cinema on July 9 and July 10, with three showing only! I made it to the final showing on Saturday. The movie was a classic B-style horror film. A few great moments that made me jump. I even got the last free poster they were giving away! – Yeah!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

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