Inktober 2015 is Here!


It’s October again, and that means to a lot of artists around the world it’s Inktober!

Wait what’s Inktober you might ask? It’s an annual drawing challenge set forth by artist Jake Parker. The challenge is to do one ink drawing a day for the entire month of October.

Parker created InkTober in 2009. He has invited everyone to join him in the monthly exercise. But like any challenge, there are a few rules.

  • Rule One: Make a drawing in ink
  • Rule Two: Post it on your blog or your Social Media
  • Rule Three: Hashtag it with #inktober
  • Rule Four: Repeat

Here is a photo of my tools for 2015. A cool Moleskine sketchpad, Pentel Color Brush, Micron pens, and a sharpie pen. Last year I started the challenge, but only got as far as 3 drawings. This year I plan on finishing all 31 days.  I’ll be posting my inks here and on my Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It’s going to be a fun month!

For more info about Jake Parker and Inktober check out his website here:

30 Characters Challenge 2013 – #7 Noemin, Rogue Daughter of Lilith

Noemin, Rogue Daughter of Lilith by Ralph Contreras

30 Characters Challenge 2013 – #7 Noemin, Rogue Daughter of Lilith

Character Back Story:
Noemin is unlike any of Lilith’s other daughters, she doesn’t despise the children of Eve. From an early age, Noemin found humans and their gadgets very interesting. She immediately understood how these gadgets worked and how to improve on them. She had a talent for creating her own gadgets too. Before long Noemin was creating a variety of mechanical devices for herself and her sisters. Her mother Lilith was not pleased with these inventions. Lilith saw technology as a perversion of the earth’s natural resources, this was one of the many reasons she hated Eve’s children. Lilith commanded that all of Noemin’s gadgets be destroyed and forbid her from making any more. Hurt and sad Noemin complied with her mother. It was that day she decided that she would leave her mother and sister to forge her own life and place in the world.

Decades later Lilith sends Noemin and her younger sister Sylvia out on a mission to retrieve a mystical object, it will help her find the decedents of Eve’s first child Adam. They are intercepted by the Archangel Sansenoy who was sent to stop them. Sylvia attacks the Archangel but is defeated very quickly. Too quickly for Noemin to believe, Sylvia is her mother’s finest warrior. She realizes that they know each other and can see it in their eyes. Their body movements betray the fact that they share a romantic connection. Instead of letting the fake battle play out, Noemin casualty asks how long Sylvia and Sansenoy have been involved.

Sylvia begs her not to tell their mother Lilith. She explains that they have been in love with each other for years. That he has helped her not to hate the children of Eve, but to see their potential. Noemin agrees that their mother can not know any of this. She tells Sylvia that she also doesn’t agree with their mad mother’s agenda. And that she is glad to see her sister in love. Noemin sees this as an opportunity to stop one of her mother’s deadly plans and to escape from her clutches in the process. They devise a story that they were intercepted by a legion of angels, that mystic object was taken and that Noemin gave her life to save Sylvia.

Noemin now free explores the world of humans and creates as many of her gadgets as she likes. Unknown to her though in the future she will be pulled into a war between her mother’s hatred and the lives of the Children of Eve.  Her inventions will help tip the balance of who wins and who loses.

Behavior Traits:
Rebellious, Adventurous, Creative, Inventive, Resourceful, Strong Willed

Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Technomage (combines magic with technology), Genius Level Intelligence,  Intuitive Inventing, Invulnerability, Flight, Super-Strength

Noemin, Rogue Daughter of Lilith is a character set in my comic project First Legacy. It’s a comic/story where Lilith, Adam’s first wife is planning on declaring war on the Children of Eve (mankind). Noemin is the first daughter of Lilith to disagree with her agenda. She will be an inspiration and comrade to Aurora Light one of the main characters in First Legacy.

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #4 Lilith

Lilith by Ralph Contreras

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #4 Lilith

Character Back Story:
Lilith is Adam’s first wife before Eve. She refuses to be Adam’s subordinate and states that she is his equal. When Lilith leaves the Garden of Eden and Adam the angels Sansenoy, Senoy and Semangelof are sent to bring her back. She refuses to go back to Adam so a bargain is made for her freedom. The price is the deaths of one hundred of her children every day. Lilith complies but gives birth to more than 100 a day. Through the many centuries, Lilith has slowly birthed an army of daughters and sons to take back the world she believes rightfully belongs to her. Their numbers rival the angels themselves. She has raised her children to hate and pity the “Children of Eve”. There is a war for Earth coming and Lilith plans to win it.

Behavior Traits:
Independent, Motivated, Headstrong, Manipulative, Driven, Cunning

Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Flight, Telepathy, Motivation, Limited Teleportation

Lilith is a character from my comic project “First Legacy”, this is a working title. She is taken from folklore and was mentioned in the character back story of a character named Aurora Light a few years ago. I used is a challenge to revisit the comic idea.

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #3 Sansenoy

Sansenoy by Ralph Contreras

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #3 Sansenoy

Character Back Story:
Sansenoy along with his brothers Senoy and Semangelof are Archangels and guardians of humanity. When Lilith leaves the Garden of Eden and Adam they are sent to bring her back. A bargain is made for her freedom, the price is the deaths of one hundred of her children every day. Lilith complies but gives birth to more than 100 a day. Sansenoy keeps a watchful eye on Lilith and her surviving children. On many occasions, he even fights them in battle. Sansenoy eventually meets and falls in love with Lilith’s greatest warrior daughter, Sylvia Light.  Sansenoy and Sylvia began a secret romantic relationship. He shows Sylvia the great potential and wonders that the “Children of Eve” can achieve.

Behavior Traits:
Compassionate, Supportive, Stern, Romantic

Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Flight, Super-Strength, Empathy

Sansenoy is a character from my comic project “First Legacy”, this is a working title. He is taken from folklore and was mentioned in the character back story of a character named Aurora Light a few years ago.

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #2 Isaac, Son of Lilith

Isaac, Son of Lilith by Ralph Contreras

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #2 Isaac, Son of Lilith

Character Back Story:
Isaac is one of Lilith’s warrior children. Raised from birth to despise the “Children of Eve”, this son of Lilith sees no redeeming qualities in humanity. He is one of the most savage fighters of her sons, there is no one he fears. He’s fought against both angels and demons, very rarely finding any equals.

Behavior Traits:
Patience, Brutal, Calculating, Loyal

Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Heighten Senses, Night Vision, Super-Strength, Weapons Master, Hand-to-Hand Combat

Isaac is a character from the comic “First Legacy”, this is a working title. I wanted to make him a huge frighting warrior. Not too bulky, but still menacing looking.

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #1 Rachel, Daughter of Lilith

Rachel, Daughter of Lilith by Ralph Contreras

30 Characters Challenge 2011 – #1 Rachel, Daughter of Lilith

Character Back Story:
Rachel is a warrior daughter of Lilith. Lilith was Adam’s first wife before Eve, refused to be his subordinate, and left him. Through the many centuries, Lilith has slowly created an army of daughters and sons to take back the world. One of the strongest of these daughters is Rachel. She was raised from childhood to hate and pity the “Children of Eve”. One of her mother’s most loyal warriors. Rachel has fought many campaigns against both angels and demons. Rachel is a cunning warrior and field general in Lilith’s army. She is always ready to fight in defense of her sisters, brothers, and mother’s beliefs.

Behavior Traits:
Short Tempered, Headstrong, Driven, Impatient, Loyal

Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Flight, Super-Strength, Swords Master, Hand to Hand Combat, Expert Combat Tactician

Rachel originates from a character creation I did a few years ago. I mentioned her in the character back story of a character named Aurora Light. I’ve always wanted to go back to that story, this gave me a chance to redefine the characters and the story. The working title for this comic is “First Legacy“.

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

The Weekly Comic Art Challenge 2012 – Week One – Shazam

Captain Marvel by Ralph Contreras

The Weekly Comic Art Challenge 2012 – Week One “Shazam”

Last week I started the “Weekly Comic Art Challenge”. I put out a challenge to all my art friends out on the internet! Once a week I’ll name a theme, and all artists that want to participate can draw, ink, and/or color a piece about that theme. This week’s theme was “Shazam”. Here are the entries I received this week. With the artist’s name, the Title of the piece, and a link to their website.

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

Black Adam Pencils

Black Adam drawing by Ralph Contreras

Black Adam Pencils

For the past few weeks, I’ve been listing to DC 52, Graphic Audio Book. One of the main characters is Black Adam. I’m a huge fan of the Marvel Family (Captain Marvel and his supporting cast.) and I’ve really enjoyed the adventure with the Black Marvel Family.

I was inspired to pencil this drawing of Black Adam. I used a .05 HB mechanical pencil, it took me about an hour. I had fun with these pencils. I’ll be posting my inks in the next few days. – Shazam!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

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