Meeting Felicia Day: Embrace Your Weird Book Signing Adventure

Ralph Contreras meeting Felicia Day

Geeking Out and Getting Inspired at Felicia Day’s Book Signing Event

This week I had the honor of meeting the fun and talented Felicia Day at a book signing for her newest book “Embrace Your Weird”. It all started when my girlfriend called to tell me she had bought me a ticket to a book signing to meet Felicia Day. She knew I was a fan of her work on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, and The Guild. Wow, what a great surprise. I didn’t even know she had written a new book or that she was coming to town for a signing.

So on October 1st, the day of the event, I drove to Changing Hands Bookstore. The place was packed and it was a challenge to find a parking spot. The line of people with tickets was long and went around the whole building by the time the doors opened. Luckily I was in the middle of the line so my wait wasn’t too long. I talked to the people in line next to me, it was fun to nerd out with other fans. I was even invited to join a Felicia Day fan club on a Discord server.

When I finally got to meet Felicia Day she was very nice and engaging. She didn’t try to rush our conversation. We talked for a few minutes, I told her I really enjoyed her character of Charlie Bradbury in Supernatural. She seemed truly happy to meet me. She signed my copy of “Embrace Your Weird” and offered to take a picture with me.

I didn’t know this until I was at the event but this was the 1st stop on her United States tour for promoting her book. “Embrace Your Weird” is a fun interactive book with tasks and exercises. It’s such a positive book and I give it high recommendations. I’m so thankful to have such an awesome girlfriend who knew this would be a fun event for me to go to!

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