Cthulhu Comes to Lunch: A Ballpoint Pen Sketch

Cthulhu Sketch by Ralph Contreras
Cthulhu Sketch by Ralph Contreras

Ballpoint Beast: Cthulhu Sketch on My Work Notepad

During my lunch break, I decided to do a quick sketch of the great old one, Cthulhu. Using just a simple ballpoint pen and a work notepad, I was able to capture the essence of this legendary creature.

It only took me about 5 minutes to complete the sketch, but I was happy with how it turned out. Even though it was just a quick drawing, it’s always fun to flex my artistic skills and see what I can come up with on the fly.

Embracing Cosmic Horror: My Cthulhu Inktober Sketch

Cthulhu Inktober Drawing
Cthulhu Inktober Drawing by Ralph Contreras

Cthulhu Inktober Ink Sketch

For Inktober 2015, I did a quick sketch of Cthulhu using a pen brush. As a fan of cosmic horror, I had a blast drawing this iconic character. I liked playing with the details of Cthulhu’s tentacles and wings, I also added a skull-like head.

Inktober 2015 is Here!


It’s October again, and that means to a lot of artists around the world it’s Inktober!

Wait what’s Inktober you might ask? It’s an annual drawing challenge set forth by artist Jake Parker. The challenge is to do one ink drawing a day for the entire month of October.

Parker created InkTober in 2009. He has invited everyone to join him in the monthly exercise. But like any challenge, there are a few rules.

  • Rule One: Make a drawing in ink
  • Rule Two: Post it on your blog or your Social Media
  • Rule Three: Hashtag it with #inktober
  • Rule Four: Repeat

Here is a photo of my tools for 2015. A cool Moleskine sketchpad, Pentel Color Brush, Micron pens, and a sharpie pen. Last year I started the challenge, but only got as far as 3 drawings. This year I plan on finishing all 31 days.  I’ll be posting my inks here and on my Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It’s going to be a fun month!

For more info about Jake Parker and Inktober check out his website here: http://mrjakeparker.com

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