Inktober 2015 is Here!


It’s October again, and that means to a lot of artists around the world it’s Inktober!

Wait what’s Inktober you might ask? It’s an annual drawing challenge set forth by artist Jake Parker. The challenge is to do one ink drawing a day for the entire month of October.

Parker created InkTober in 2009. He has invited everyone to join him in the monthly exercise. But like any challenge, there are a few rules.

  • Rule One: Make a drawing in ink
  • Rule Two: Post it on your blog or your Social Media
  • Rule Three: Hashtag it with #inktober
  • Rule Four: Repeat

Here is a photo of my tools for 2015. A cool Moleskine sketchpad, Pentel Color Brush, Micron pens, and a sharpie pen. Last year I started the challenge, but only got as far as 3 drawings. This year I plan on finishing all 31 days.  I’ll be posting my inks here and on my Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It’s going to be a fun month!

For more info about Jake Parker and Inktober check out his website here:

Inktober 2014, Day 3 – Sylvia Light

Sylvia Light by Ralph Contreras

Inktober 2014, Day 3 – Sylvia Light

Day 3 of the Inktober challenge. I inked a redesign of my main character from First Legacy, Sylvia Light (aka Aurora Light). This is a redesign of her basic look. I’ve changed her from a long-haired blond to a short-haired, darker-skinned character. I’ve had her redesign in mine for a while, this is my first attempt to place it on paper. I used a 102 nib pen and a #3 sable brush for this inking.

Inktober 2014, Day 2 – Afro Lady

Afro Lady by Ralph Contreras

Inktober 2014, Day 2 – Afro Lady

Second day of the Inktober challenge. This time I wanted to do something a little different. A lady with a huge Afro. I placed a black shadow background to add some dimension. For this quick inking I used a 102 nib pen and a #3 sable brush. The inking tools I enjoy using the most. I feel I have more control with them. I’ll be branching out in future attempts.

Inktober 2014, Day 1 – Cyborg

Cyborg by Ralph Contreras

Inktober 2014, Day 1 – Cyborg

This is my first time participating. Here’s the Day 1 inking of a random cyborg guy. With this challenge, I’m going to try different inking techniques. I used a Pentel Medium Tip Brush Pen and a Pentel Pocket Brush Pen here. The lines came out a little thicker than I’m used to. Might be inking with a heavy hand. I had fun with this one.

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