Sketch Card – Black Widow

Black Widow drawing by Ralph Contreras

Black Widow
Avengers Sketch Card – Day 2

January Day 2 and here’s a new drawing. Black Widow, my newest Avengers Sketch Card. I’ll be drawing a new sketch card every day this year. So by the end, I”ll have about 365.

For this drawing, I tried to make a more dynamic pose. So there’s some foreshortening in her stance. I used an HB .05 mechanical pencil. This card took me about 18 minutes. I’m trying to do these sketch cards fast and try not to worry about making them perfect. It’s a fun exercise for me.

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

Sketch Card – New Captain America

Captain America by Ralph Contreras

Captain America, Bucky Barnes
Avengers Sketch Card – Day 1

2011 is a new year and I’m giving myself a new personal challenge. Last year I did a couple of sketch cards. I had intended to do one every day, unfortunately, I didn’t follow through. But this year I’m rechallenging myself! Heck yeah! My goal is to have 365 Sketch Cards done by the end of the year!

The cards I drew last year were of Thor and Hawkeye of the Avengers. This year I’m going to continue with the Avengers-themed sketch cards. I’ve always been a massive fan of the Avengers, in fact the first comic book I read was an Avenges book. Also, the Avengers movie is being filmed in my backyard of Albuquerque, NM this summer. So it just feels right!

Here’s my first Avengers sketch card for the year, the New Captain America a.k.a Bucky. It’s a quick sketch that took me about 16 minutes. I used an HB .05 mechanical pencil. The reflective nature of the costume was challenging, but I think it came out ok. I had fun with this sketch card!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

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