Dra’Zun, Guardian Droid Original Pencils

Dra’Zun drawing by Ralph Contreras

Dra’Zun, Guardian Droid Original Pencils

Here are my original pencils for my character of Dra’Zun the Guardian Droid. this was for the 30 charterers challenge held every November. I created a back story where this Guardian Droid has gone a little crazy. He’s raising and training a group of orphans. Eventually, there will be only one. He’ll put them through tests and trials to find one he believes is fit to live.

These original pencils were drawn on 9×12 2ply Bristol paper. I use a .7 HB pencil.

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

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