Inking of Skull One Veritech Fighter from Robotech

Skull-One ink drawing by Ralph Contreras

Inking of Skull – One Veritech Fighter from Robotech

A few weeks ago I watched a Robotech marathon and was inspired to draw my own Veritech Fighter. So I drew the Skull Leader! Originally Roy Fokker then Rick Hunter fighter in the Macross Saga. I finally got to inking it this weekend. Using only my 102 nib pen, I really like the way it came out. For this inking, I used thicker lines than I usually do. It gives it a nice solid feeling. Plan on digitally coloring it in the next few days too. so keep an eye out!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

Pencils of Skull One Veritech Fighter from Robotech

Skull-One drawing by Ralph Contreras

Pencils of Skull – One Veritech Fighter from Robotech

A few weeks ago I went to a comic convention where there was a panel on Robotech. I was a huge fan of the cartoon back when it originally aired in 1985. The panel brought back great memories of why I enjoyed the show. I then discovered Netflix had the whole series for instant watch. So I had a Robotech marathon! Watching the show I was inspired to pencil the Skull-One Veritech Fighter, originally piloted by Roy Fokker and then by Rick Hunter. My plan is to ink this piece and then digitally color it. So keep an eye out. – Shazam!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

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