Observational Drawing Practice: Four Takes on the Same Face

Repetition of the same face drawn four times in Procreate

How Repetition Lead to my Drawing Improvement

Here are some more faces that I drew. It’s actually the same face drawn four times. In an exercise of observational drawing I looked for a face on Pinterest that would be fun to draw. I found this lady with a face looking at an upward angle. I thought this would be a challenge for me to draw.

I’ve been drawing the same face a several times to help my observational drawing ability. You can see the improvements and changes from each new drawing to the next. So these are all drawn in procreate. I like using the “Procreate Pencil” brush found in the sketching brush section. With so many amazing brush options in Procreate this is the one that I feel works best for me.

The first and second face drawing were drawn with a size 8 brush and an opacity of 35 percent. The third and fourth were drawn with a size 7 brush with an opacity of 40 percent. I like how all the face drawing came out but I think the fourth is my favorite.

If you use Procreate to draw, what’s you favorite brush?

Repetition in Art: What I Learned Drawing Albert Einstein 4 Times

Sketch Drawings of Albert Einstein in Procreate

Discovering Growth Through Repetition in Portrait Drawing

I’ve been enjoying procreate and I thought drawing the same face a few times would be a great exercise. Repetition is a great way to learn and strengthen any skill right. It worked with Daniel LaRusso and Mr Miyagi.

For this exercise I thought it would be good to draw a well know person from history. I found a portrait of Albert Einstein on the web that I liked.

It’s really interesting what happen when you draw the same face 4 times. You find this rhythm in the drawings. My first portrait drawing has great energy. Its more loose and gesturally drawn. While the last drawing is a lot tighter and refined.

I did each of these drawing in about 5 minutes. I really got a lot out of this drawing exercise and plan to do more like it. If you think this kind of drawing exercise could work for you I encourage you to try it too.

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• Albert Einstein: Fun ko Pop!

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