30 Characters Challenge 2010 – #4 Surge Shocker


30 Characters Challenge 2010 – #4 Surge Shocker

History coming soon……..

30 Characters Challenge Creative Notes:
For this character design, I opted not to ink it. I’ve been trying some slightly different techniques in my drawing process. Starting with blue lines and then moving to black lead. I’m looking for a way to help my approach to drawing. However, I’ve felt that maybe the blue lines are actually causing my drawings to look a little stiff. I decided to see if it wasn’t my inking. This is why this is an uninked drawing. I had a lot of fun with this character design. I am planning on inking it in the future. I’m also planning on coloring this and the other 30-character designs.

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

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