The 30 Characters Challenge 2010 is Here!

The 30 Characters Challenge 2010

Last year in November I participated in an awesome challenge called 30 Characters which was found at The idea was to create 30 original characters in 30 days. The challenge was thought up by comic artist Tyler James. It wasn’t easy and there were days I would hit a creative block. But I’m proud to announce I completed the challenge of creating the 30 characters. I even received a cool digital award plaque. I meet a lot of other cool creative people interested in creating comic book artists like myself. There were even characters created in this challenge that I incorporated into my personal comic project.

Well a year has come and it’s time for the 30 Characters challenge again. This time it looks like there will be over 40 participants. As an alumnus of last year’s challenge, I’m ready to jump in and let my creative juice flow. I’m even more excited this year than I was last. I have a better idea of how to approach the challenge. The last time around I only submitted pencil-drawn character designs. I’m planning on inking them this time, and if I have time color them too. My style and ability have changed and improved since last year. So I’m excited to show everyone what I can do.

The 30 Characters Challenge

Tyler James has set up an awesome new blog site ( to showcase this year’s 30 characters in 30 days. He’s even supplying a cool PSD template to put the characters into for posting on the site. All are invited toJoin the Challenge“, the registration deadline is this Friday, October 29. And the characters will start going up on November 1st. Make sure to check it out!

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

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