30 Characters Challenge 2013 – #2 Wondering Executioner
Character Back Story:
The Wondering Executioner is shadowed in mystery. A figure that most don’t believe in. Stories of this dark man have appeared in ancient texts and stories for thousands of years. He has been seen in all major battles and wars throughout history, folklore, and legends. The story is always the same. When the battle nears its end The Wondering Executioner appears fighting anyone that challenges him. He then finds the cowards or traitors of both sides and begins to execute them. Slicing them in half with his giant-sized sword named Judgement. He yells the same sentence with every kill “You have been found guilty”. It is believed he might be a fallen angel punishing mankind for his own sin of betraying his god. It is also believed that he is not one man but many, that the Wondering Executioner persona is part of a secret order of warrior judges. No matter his origin, do not betray your comrades in arms or you may be judged by his Execution Sword.
Behavior Traits:
Judge, Jury, Executioner
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Swordsmanship, Field Battle Experience, Immortal (perhaps), Super Strength, Invulnerability
I liked the idea of creating a character that we really don’t know his origin. Is he one man of one in a lineage? I can see this character working in stand-alone stories or being referenced in backstories. I think I may eventually add him to my upcoming comic project “First Legacy”.
This blog post was originally published on my former website, Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Artist Blog.